Operation McChoppin’ Storm

The forces are assemblying and converging on the VT. The Slickman is arriving by land, I am coming by air, and word has it that Dan the Man may be coming by way of the sea. It’s blitzkrieg on the Northeast, McChoppin’ style.

I’m currently in a staging area south of the theater of operations awaiting resupply before the final push. Whilst I was in route I met a comrade, a friend of old timey ways. A fellow who, not only goes camping, but, does so with a wool blanket. I know you’re out there, fellow McChoppin souls. It gives hope to our cause.

Phase two of the plan is set to commence in the morning hours of Sunday. Operation Old-Timey Freedom: a Coalition of the Woolen ride out north with the stated goals of succesful winter camping and the establishment of old timey pratices as a role model for camping. It is to be a two day operation involving handmade goods, spot-built shelters, and an assortment of salted meats. Early intel suggests favorable conditions for operations that should minimize casualties.

In the spirit of Shackleton we go.

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